Measuring Up – A Dressmaker’s Year in Review
A conversation with a friend last week about what made a year good or bad got me looking deeper at how we define ourselves and what is important. It provoked a renewed check-in on my [...]
Seven Signs You’re a Textile Artist
Textile artists create art using fiber-based materials, such as yarn, string, and fabric, and techniques, such as weaving, embroidery, quilting, dyeing, felting, and sewing. When people ask what I do I use this umbrella term. [...]
7 Non-Biased Tips for Buying a Dress Form
WARNING... This post won't let you know what brand of dress form to purchase. Instead, I hope to show you options and maybe save you some hours of research and misinformation. There are two ways [...]
On my way to Giza
Don't get me wrong, I love to watch sewists create content. Sometimes though it leads to a disheartening misconception that creating is an instant and easy process. You know, the camera blinks on a piece [...]
The Painted Dress
Here's the problem, as an artist, you see so many things that inspire you. Before you know it; the project has turned into a huge big thing. This project was no different! I hope you enjoy this collaboration project! [...]
Easy Experimental Cascade Ruffle Skirt
Have you ever seen a picture of a garment and you absolutely had to have it? When you can sew clothing this can be a fun problem... but you may want to make everything you [...]
Dressmakers Year in Review
My life is far from perfect, let's just say I have a lot going on like everyone. Perhaps all of this making is my escape. I am so very grateful for all of these privileges [...]
Learning to Flat Pattern Block
I believe it takes a lot of bravery and strength to start something completely new and even more to share it with the public. I hope you enjoy my new adventure. A few months ago [...]
Date Night, Art w/ a Regular Sewing Machine
With a little practice and some patience anyone can apply their very own art to clothing using a regular sewing machine. I hope you find my three different techniques helpful. Just a heads up! Doing [...]
The Quickie One Hour Dress
Would you believe I made this simple dress in less than an hour and with only two yards of fabric? This design was adapted from the simplicity of the old children's pillow case dress pattern. [...]
2022 More Than a Dressmakers Review
Meeting the artist Bing Davis was one of the biggest highlights just after the new year although the blessings rained down on us the entire year. I graduated from the Kettering Leadership Academy learning a [...]
Quick Sew Handmade Ornaments
Do you need an easy handmade gift for the holidays? After watching a couple hours of youtube, I combined a couple of techniques and came up with something that only takes 10-20 minutes to make [...]