If the Sleeve Fits

By |2020-09-21T06:57:33-04:00September 21st, 2020|1970s Style Fashion, Sewing Tips and Tricks, Today's Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

Designing can be such a weight on your ego. It can make you bend, shift, or even break. It can force you to experiment with your potential. While something can look great on paper, or in my case an iPad, it doesn’t always look right on a real body.

The Birthday Dress

By |2020-09-14T06:57:46-04:00September 14th, 2020|1970s Style Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses|

What little girl doesn’t love a birthday dress? If you do a search for “little girls birthday dress” you will find the current trends. I saw many onesies with the year or a quote scripted on the top and tulle skirts sewn to the bottom.

A client asked me to make a little […]

Fabulous Feats and Follies in Swimwear

By |2020-07-13T07:15:15-04:00July 13th, 2020|1970s Style Fashion, Uncategorized|

The amazing thing about swimwear is it usually only costs around $7 per suit in materials. Most dresses can cost much, much more in new materials. You can see why swimwear can be inviting for a seamstress to work with when keeping costs low.

In 2013, I made my first attempt, though feeble, at making swimwear. I’ve […]

Natural Dying and the Bohemian Peasant Dress, P1

By |2020-06-29T07:36:23-04:00June 29th, 2020|1970s Style Fashion, Makes of 2016, Uncategorized|

I have been on a long flowing bohemian kick. Last week I thought I would give natural dying a try to add more knowledge of textiles to my tool box. Boy did I learn a lot!

A more successful part of this endeavor was the 1970s pattern for my Dayton Dressmakers Club Meet Up’s pattern […]

No Pattern Needed

By |2020-03-30T08:13:36-04:00March 30th, 2020|1970s Style Fashion, Sewing Tips and Tricks, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

Let’s get fearless and make the perfect maxi dress, the kaftan. This VERY easy dress can be made with any sheer, lace or very light and flowing material. No pattern needed! It’s pull over, no fussy closures to deal with.

I used almost 4 yards of 44″ fabric. Two 40″ pieces for the length of the […]

Love What You Have

By |2020-02-03T06:39:42-05:00February 3rd, 2020|1800s Style Fashion, 1940s Style Fashion, 1970s Style Fashion|

As my awareness for the waste that is involved in fast fashion grows I have to ask myself, “Do I have too much waste?” Sure, I have made all of my clothing, but do I value it? Do I love it? Do I wear everything I have made? And if not, why?

I decided to do […]

The Anatomy of a Dress That Gets You…

By |2020-01-27T06:38:52-05:00January 27th, 2020|1800s Style Fashion, 1970s Style Fashion, Sewing Tips and Tricks|

Want to make explosions happen? Once you’ve learned to read a simple pattern and have a few garments under your belt you can also start to mix and match pattern pieces. Please enjoy my tips and tricks using a couple 1950s pattern pieces to make a beautiful bohemian prairie dress.

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