Wacky Wednesday, Before and After Showcase

By |2020-07-27T07:33:17-04:00July 27th, 2020|refashion, Sewing Tips and Tricks, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

Let’s get wacky everyday! It was 2014 and I helped design a dress for a friend wanted to wear everyday for an entire year as a challenge to raise awareness about waste. This challenge was called the Uniform Project. We designed a basic black linen shift dress that buttoned up. It […]

Natural Dying and Viking Apron Dress, P2

By |2020-07-06T07:17:43-04:00July 6th, 2020|Costumes, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

After my first round of natural dying I was really bummed by the lack color that came through. For my 2nd round I would try to color my double gauze with the spice turmeric. It worked! Here is what I did!

I decided to soak my fabric in a mix of 4 quarts water to 1 […]

The Birthday Dress

By |2018-07-30T17:48:59-04:00July 29th, 2018|1980s Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

When I was a little girl getting a birthday dress was better than getting a new baby doll.





















These days I do not have a lot of time to sew personal projects. I look for garments I can make in a couple hours. This dress was inspired by a […]

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