All the Bells and Whistles with Pauline Trigere

By |2020-03-16T06:53:58-04:00March 16th, 2020|1950s Style Fashion, Formal Wear, Makes of 2015|

I was already dreaming of going on an adventure when this pattern popped into my hands. I fell in love with what looks to be a very young Liz Taylor on the cover. Famous 1950s designer, Pauline Trigere, makes a gorgeous dress and I knew I had found the perfect way to fill some spare […]

The Finisher. An Interview with Turisa Porter Turner

By |2019-11-11T05:46:55-05:00November 11th, 2019|Interviews w/Sewists|

There is some psychology behind the reasons why people do not finish projects. We’ve all been there and the reasons are too numerous to list. Things happen and tasks get put on the back burner, sometimes to stay. But, what about people that pick up and finish other’s projects? Say what? Today I want to […]

Not Your Gma’s Muumuu

By |2019-07-08T06:57:12-04:00July 8th, 2019|1950s Style Fashion|

This is not your 1959 Hawaiian Muumuu dress! The MuuMuu dress is a loose dress of Hawaiian origin. It’s usually bright colored with Polynesian flower prints. According to Wikipedia MuuMuu means, “cut off” and it originally was shorter and lacked the neckline yoke.

When I started this dress and shared the pattern […]

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