Conquering One Yard of Fabric; Part 3 and 4

By |2019-09-09T06:44:51-04:00September 9th, 2019|Sewing Tips and Tricks, Today's Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses|

Last summer I challenged myself to figure out what to do with 60″ wide one yard pieces of fabric. I have already shared part one the shift dress and part two a caftan top. I saved the best and the worst to share last.

The best was the […]

Conquering One Yard of Fabric; Part 2

By |2019-06-17T06:44:11-04:00June 17th, 2019|1950s Style Fashion|

Warning, these one yard – almost zero waste garments, are not in the order I made them. Naturally, I chose the hardest first, which was a big mistake. I don’t want that to happen to you. I am releasing them in the order of easiest construction to the most challenging, pants. Part one last week was […]


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