Five Easy Tips to Sew Your Own Vintage Clothing

By |2021-05-17T07:17:05-04:00May 17th, 2021|1940s Style Fashion, Sewing Tips and Tricks, Today's Fashion|

Every day is great day to share my love and knowledge of sewing patterns and because my pattern reading and layout class is tonight I also have motivation.

It all started when I thrifted a cute duvet cover. I cut out a 1940s dress and had half of the cover left over!

What’s Buzzin’ Cousin the 1940s

By |2020-03-23T06:27:31-04:00March 23rd, 2020|1940s Style Fashion|

For some added entertainment this weeks post includes fifteen 1940s slang words and phrases. So, grab a cup of Joe and lets see if you can find them all.

When I bought one of the most dope vintage sewing machines last summer I wanted to be sure I could use it. In my opinion, spending your […]

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