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Please mark your Calendars for our next meet-up. It’s our 9-year anniversary!! Bring a dish to share or food for yourself if you like. It’s a good idea to bring your own beverage too. This one’s a Show and Tell. Please bring something to help us learn, a project, tool, fabric, or really anything you’d like to take a few minutes to talk about. Remember you may bring your craft stuff or supplies to give away although if no one takes your things you have to take them back.
This group is open to the public for anyone who aspires to sew and craft. We hope to inspire you to grow.
New to our sewing community? No fear, everyone is friendly and each meet-up has at least three new people. Come and make new friends.
Again I booked the large meeting room a little early for table and chair set up if you are be to help set up or break down it would be greatly appreciated.
Let me know if I left anything out or you have any questions at all.

Tracy McElfresh

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