Five Easy Tips to Sew Your Own Vintage Clothing

By |2021-05-17T07:17:05-04:00May 17th, 2021|1940s Style Fashion, Sewing Tips and Tricks, Today's Fashion|

Every day is great day to share my love and knowledge of sewing patterns and because my pattern reading and layout class is tonight I also have motivation.

It all started when I thrifted a cute duvet cover. I cut out a 1940s dress and had half of the cover left over!

WWII Era Vintage Sewing

By |2019-02-25T07:24:26-05:00February 25th, 2019|1940s Style Fashion, Sewing for Babies, Sewing Tips and Tricks|

Want your own sewing retreat but don’t want to spend lotsa money? Well, shop your sewing room and borrow from your mother, then put your blinders on for a 4 day weekend sewing project at home.

After shopping my room I decided to cut up a 78 year old pattern I had for sale in my […]

Fast, Fake and Easy Smocking Sewing Machine Style

By |2018-05-14T06:40:29-04:00May 14th, 2018|1940s Style Fashion, Sewing for Babies, Uncategorized|

Do you want to be remembered? Personalized gifts are the bomb and can easily become family heirlooms. No pleating machine, no problem. You can get this look in a little over an hour with a regular sewing machine!

I had every intention of doing this project by hand the correct way. I was gifted a cute 1940s […]

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