Dressmakers Year in Review

By |2023-12-26T06:14:52-05:00December 26th, 2023|Costumes, Fashion Dress Replicas, Formal Wear, Heirloom Sewing, Uncategorized|

My life is far from perfect, let’s just say I have a lot going on like everyone. Perhaps all of this making is my escape. I am so very grateful for all of these privileges and experiences 2023 has brought me. What a great year for growth! And it wasn’t just work – it was […]

My Pattern Hack of the Year, so far…

By |2018-07-23T07:38:09-04:00July 23rd, 2018|1920s Style Fashion, Costumes, Indie Patterns|

Who loves a great pattern hack? I do! A really great pattern hack means I don’t have to measure, do a ton of fitting or make it all up as I go along for bust, waist and hip measurements. I can focus on creativity.

I bought Grainline Studio’s Farrow dress pattern at

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