Patterns From Down Under

By |2021-10-22T07:35:35-04:00June 29th, 2021|Indie Patterns, Today's Fashion, Uncategorized|

G’day! Have you ever fallen in love with something so odd… and then, the next thing you know your drawers are chockers full of the bloody item?

In 2012 I was introduced to Style Arc patterns, a huge pattern company like no other, based out of Australia. With the motto, Patterns That Fit, […]

Introducing The ReFabrication Challenge

By |2021-01-11T06:42:32-05:00January 10th, 2021|Indie Patterns, Sewing Tips and Tricks, Table Cloth Dresses, Uncategorized|

This challenge was inspired during walks to local coffee shops and thrift stores with my friend Samantha, owner of Riley Street Photography! I hope you will join us!

The ReFabrication Challenge

To help spark creativity and fun you are invited to join in on our monthly ReFabrication Challenge. The idea is to use listed […]

Crotch Oddities

By |2020-08-10T07:43:45-04:00August 10th, 2020|Fashion Dress Replicas, Indie Patterns, Uncategorized|

After buying a bunch of shoes through a Facebook ad on 4/20 I learned my lesson about not buying a bunch of shoes through a Facebook ad. That’s a longer story and not what this post is about, but I will say FB is constantly putting cuteness in my feed. I hope you enjoy my […]

Sleeve of the Year

By |2020-05-18T07:47:30-04:00May 18th, 2020|1950s Style Fashion, Heirloom Sewing, Indie Patterns|

During the beginning of Covid-19 I was only buying fabric for masks and then a sewing friend donated some lovely pieces for me play with. In the stack was this sheer cotton Hawaiian border print fabric.

With great respect to the pattern and the culture I dug through […]

Reflecting a Light Backwards

By |2019-01-28T07:31:08-05:00January 28th, 2019|Costumes, Indie Patterns, Makes of 2009, Makes of 2010, Makes of 2011, Makes of 2012, Makes of 2013|

In the beginning I had an idea. The idea turned into a project that also continued to evolve. In the end the project turned out radically different from that idea as it was envisioned. These are a collection of dresses that hopped off the beaten path and are now truly a blast from the past.

Defiance and the Raincoat Practice Pt. 2

By |2019-01-14T07:13:59-05:00January 14th, 2019|Indie Patterns, Today's Fashion|

You may remember my banner raincoat project fail in last week’s post? This time I chose to do this project with a more malleable textile called oilcloth. I can be ambitious and brave sometimes, or perhaps I just love to test my own patience, and I thought I knew more about how to […]

Keeping it Clean

By |2018-11-05T16:24:35-05:00November 5th, 2018|Indie Patterns, Today's Fashion|

I want a highly tailored and clean looking shirt. Something that doesn’t scream out “I made this!” No matter how much experience you have, to grow, you have to take the time to learn from others. I wanted to learn to make a classic white collar button-up shirt for myself. It needed to be highly […]

My Pattern Hack of the Year, so far…

By |2018-07-23T07:38:09-04:00July 23rd, 2018|1920s Style Fashion, Costumes, Indie Patterns|

Who loves a great pattern hack? I do! A really great pattern hack means I don’t have to measure, do a ton of fitting or make it all up as I go along for bust, waist and hip measurements. I can focus on creativity.

I bought Grainline Studio’s Farrow dress pattern at

Sewing Novelty Print Dress Round Up

By |2018-03-19T18:33:43-04:00March 19th, 2018|1950s Style Fashion, 1960s Style Fashion, Indie Patterns|

Novelty prints are so much fun to wear because they scream, hey I like this. Whether it be fabric with pizza, dogs, tacos, cats, unicorns, beer or licensed prints they can spark conversion.  A lot of my events are in the summer where I can be found sewing outside at festivals. I have been making […]

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