Learning to Flat Pattern Block

By |2023-12-09T06:23:01-05:00December 9th, 2023|1940s Style Fashion, 1950s Style Fashion, 1960s Style Fashion, Fashion Dress Replicas, Formal Wear, Sewing Tips and Tricks, Uncategorized|

I believe it takes a lot of bravery and strength to start something completely new and even more to share it with the public. I hope you enjoy my new adventure. A few months ago I took a break from dressmaking.

Not running directly into the next sewing project opened possibilities to […]

Date Night, Art w/ a Regular Sewing Machine

By |2023-02-04T06:19:00-05:00February 4th, 2023|1930s Style Fashion, 1940s Style Fashion, 1950s Style Fashion, Uncategorized|

With a little practice and some patience anyone can apply their very own art to clothing using a regular sewing machine. I hope you find my three different techniques helpful.

Just a heads up! Doing a lot of stitching, like I do on these projects below, can distort fabric and cause puckering. I highly recommend something […]

Letting Myself Van Glow

By |2022-02-08T06:16:15-05:00February 8th, 2022|1930s Style Fashion, 1940s Style Fashion, 1950s Style Fashion, Uncategorized|

Dresses, dresses, dresses! After seeing the Columbus Museum of Art exhibit, Through Vincent’s Eyes, I’ve decided no matter what people think to keep doing what I love. Vincent Van Gogh only painted for one decade and made 2000 pieces of art. 2000 dresses?

Loving Yourself Looks Good on You

By |2021-02-08T06:48:43-05:00February 8th, 2021|1950s Style Fashion, Costumes, Uncategorized|

February is the season of love and what better way to love yourself than to buy fabric and make something pretty. I invested in myself and purchased one of my own Spoonflower Shop prints in velvet. This print is called Hepburn and it comes in three color ways. While we don’t personally celebrate Valentine’s […]

2020 Year in Review

By |2020-12-21T06:55:56-05:00December 21st, 2020|1940s Style Fashion, 1950s Style Fashion, 1960s Style Fashion, Uncategorized|

I’m not even going to try to complain about this year. All I can say is that some good things did come out of so much tragedy. I stay excited thinking about the new year and the future as it approaches.


Here are just a few of the things I made right before everything shut down, […]

Collaboration with Artist and Poet Tiffany Diaz

By |2020-10-05T06:52:04-04:00October 5th, 2020|1950s Style Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses|

I have been following Tiffany Diaz and enjoying her art work and poetry for years now with great respect. After many times commenting that her paintings would look great as a fabric I asked her if she was interested in collaborating. I was delighted when she said yes and to pick any painting and […]

Year of Better Canceled!

By |2020-08-03T07:50:40-04:00August 3rd, 2020|1950s Style Fashion, Uncategorized|

Every year I have a little mantra for myself to become a better person. 2017, “Tracy the world doesn’t revolve around you, keep your mouth shut and move on.” This was to help me not personalize every little thing.

2018 was the ‘Year of Less,” use it or let go. This was after we closed Sew […]

Sleeve of the Year

By |2020-05-18T07:47:30-04:00May 18th, 2020|1950s Style Fashion, Heirloom Sewing, Indie Patterns|

During the beginning of Covid-19 I was only buying fabric for masks and then a sewing friend donated some lovely pieces for me play with. In the stack was this sheer cotton Hawaiian border print fabric.

With great respect to the pattern and the culture I dug through […]

All the Bells and Whistles with Pauline Trigere

By |2020-03-16T06:53:58-04:00March 16th, 2020|1950s Style Fashion, Formal Wear, Makes of 2015|

I was already dreaming of going on an adventure when this pattern popped into my hands. I fell in love with what looks to be a very young Liz Taylor on the cover. Famous 1950s designer, Pauline Trigere, makes a gorgeous dress and I knew I had found the perfect way to fill some spare […]

Not Your Gma’s Muumuu

By |2019-07-08T06:57:12-04:00July 8th, 2019|1950s Style Fashion|

This is not your 1959 Hawaiian Muumuu dress! The MuuMuu dress is a loose dress of Hawaiian origin. It’s usually bright colored with Polynesian flower prints. According to Wikipedia MuuMuu means, “cut off” and it originally was shorter and lacked the neckline yoke.

When I started this dress and shared the pattern […]

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