Easy Experimental Cascade Ruffle Skirt

By |2024-03-06T06:35:36-05:00March 6th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Have you ever seen a picture of a garment and you absolutely had to have it? When you can sew clothing this can be a fun problem… but you may want to make everything you see! I saw an Instagram posts that showed this skirt with these simple steps. That was it, I was inspired […]

The 30 Minute Dress

By |2019-09-16T06:12:21-04:00September 16th, 2019|1980s Fashion, Fashion Dress Replicas, Makes of 2016, refashion, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

This is one of the easiest dresses I have ever made on my serger! Don’t despair if you do not have a serger you can use your sewing machine with the zig zag stitch and it will work fine.  Here is how I did it…..

Tracy sews the 30 minute dress Kettering

Building Confidence with Eight

By |2019-07-01T06:52:08-04:00July 1st, 2019|Costumes, Fashion Shows, refashion, Today's Fashion|

Eight girls signed up for this years teen fashion camp at Rosewood Art Centre in Kettering. Can you imagine trying to build confidence while unjamming machines, breaking needles and trouble shooting sewing machine mistakes on the first day? Here is how I build confidence and give the girls a great experience behind the machine all while […]

The Challenge of Smoking Jackets

By |2019-03-18T06:36:35-04:00March 18th, 2019|1950s Style Fashion|

Today, I happily share one of my more challenging projects that really got me outside of my comfort zone. The most troublesome projects can sometimes feel like a cloud hanging over your head. They are usually rooted in a lack of experience, and yet, the only way to get the experience is to do the […]

T Shirt Quilt Basics at Rosewood Art Centre

By |2018-11-26T19:47:20-05:00November 26th, 2018||

Ages 12 and up
Come learn the basics of T-Shirt Quilting
small sewing kit including sharp scissors
Fusible light to medium weight interfacing
T shirts
2 different pieces of 1/2 yards of coordinating or contrasting fabrics
Must call to reserve your spot 937-296-0294

Adult Machine Basics at Rosewood

By |2018-11-26T19:43:46-05:00November 26th, 2018||

Adult Machine Basics at Rosewood

*2 hour~sewing machine basics class

Learn to use your sewing machine or borrow one of Rosewood’s in a fun setting.

Students review threading, stitches, tension, bobbins, bobbin winding, parts of the machine, accessories and trouble shooting.

We will have 2 easy practice projects learning seam allowance, precision, stitch lengths and widths

Must call Rosewood to […]

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