Fall Sew in/ Fabric/ Pattern/ Craft Swap 2023

By |2023-08-09T06:54:06-04:00August 9th, 2023||

Mark your Calendars for our next meet up. Bring a dish to share or food for yourself if you like. Bringing a craft or sewing project is also optional. Remember you may bring your craft stuff or supplies to give away although if no one takes your things you have take them back.
This group is […]

Dayton Garment Designers Meet Up 3 Year Anniversary

By |2018-08-15T06:30:06-04:00August 15th, 2018||

The large meeting room has been revered for our next meeting September 21st 5pm-8:30pm .

*Feel free to just come say hi and not do anything.
*Bring sewing projects to work on or any craft you like.
*Bring fabric, patterns and supplies to swap. (must take them back if no one wants them)
*Bring food or order delivery

The community […]

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