Dressmakers Year in Review

By |2023-12-26T06:14:52-05:00December 26th, 2023|Costumes, Fashion Dress Replicas, Formal Wear, Heirloom Sewing, Uncategorized|

My life is far from perfect, let’s just say I have a lot going on like everyone. Perhaps all of this making is my escape. I am so very grateful for all of these privileges and experiences 2023 has brought me. What a great year for growth! And it wasn’t just work – it was […]

The Quickie One Hour Dress

By |2023-01-16T06:05:01-05:00January 16th, 2023|1960s Style Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses|

Would you believe I made this simple dress in less than an hour and with only two yards of fabric? This design was adapted from the simplicity of the old children’s pillow case dress pattern. A few small changes make it very suitable for adults. And hey, sometimes you just want to get your mojo […]

Ten Tips for Replicating Clothing

By |2020-10-12T11:24:43-04:00October 12th, 2020|1960s Style Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses|

Replicating is one of my favorite crafts! I hope you enjoy my tips that can help you remake some of your favorite garments, sew garments from pictures and grow your skillset.

  1. Start simple, whether it be from a photo or a garment to be replicated.
  2. If using a garment you own, cutting up the garment […]

Passion to Refashion

By |2020-09-28T07:07:08-04:00September 28th, 2020|1960s Style Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses|

Have you ever seen a dress that you love the fabric and the print but the style of the dress doesn’t suit your figure, style or personality? Some of the easiest and best dresses to upcycle are 1970s Kaftans. This is because they have so much yardage and are rarely cut with the exception of […]

Natural Dying and the Bohemian Peasant Dress, P1

By |2020-06-29T07:36:23-04:00June 29th, 2020|1970s Style Fashion, Makes of 2016, Uncategorized|

I have been on a long flowing bohemian kick. Last week I thought I would give natural dying a try to add more knowledge of textiles to my tool box. Boy did I learn a lot!

A more successful part of this endeavor was the 1970s pattern for my Dayton Dressmakers Club Meet Up’s pattern […]

All the Bells and Whistles with Pauline Trigere

By |2020-03-16T06:53:58-04:00March 16th, 2020|1950s Style Fashion, Formal Wear, Makes of 2015|

I was already dreaming of going on an adventure when this pattern popped into my hands. I fell in love with what looks to be a very young Liz Taylor on the cover. Famous 1950s designer, Pauline Trigere, makes a gorgeous dress and I knew I had found the perfect way to fill some spare […]

Never Underestimate the Power of Landfill Burglary

By |2020-02-17T06:38:49-05:00February 17th, 2020|Today's Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses|

I’m honestly not sure what to call my latest line of dresses. Nothing feels quite right. They are made from materials people gave me or were being thrown out. I came up with the name landfill dresses because I believe most of the fabric would have ended up in a landfill. Picking out fabric is […]

Shhh, Don’t Tell…

By |2020-02-10T06:53:54-05:00February 10th, 2020|1960s Style Fashion, Table Cloth Dresses|

Would you believe this blog post originally came out in 2014 with only these three terrible sentences?

This dress was made with a fabric remnant from my days of working at Hancock Fabric and an old table runner my mother gave to me. My favorite part of the dress was the butterfly collar. The total cost of […]

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