Don’t judge me, this is my first cycling shirt. With all projects when you are new it is best to start with the easiest parts and build your skill from there. Active wear is considered advanced sewing.

I used my active wear knit, my serger and my new cover stitch machine to make this shirt. You don’t need fancy machines though, a simple zig zag stitch and a twin needle will work.

Cutting the Original to Make a Pattern

One of my friends, Elli is an avid cyclist and she gave me a few shirts to study and cut up. I started with the easiest cycling shirt.

Cut the existing shirt labeling each piece laying how it will be pieced together. Leave half or some of the shirt in tact to refer back to. This was really helpful when I had to put the puzzle back together.

I realized I could get 2 shirts out of the fabric. The first is always just a practice right? I would need to cut the long pieces separate so I traced out where they would end to be sure I had enough fabric.

I gave myself notch marks to help with placement. Just like today’s patterns I put two for the back and one for the front.

I cut the new pieces 1/2″ larger for seam allowance. 1/4″ to be cut off by my serger and 1/4″ would be the stitch width my serger uses.

I cut a long 2″ strip for my neck binding. The first one I sewed on wrong!

The edge of my fabric had the color dots that were the same colors as my fabric. I went with the baby blue thread for my cover stitch machine. This blue stitching will be seen on the outside of my shirt (twin needle can be used here). Sounds awesome although it was problematic. I’m new to this machine and when one of the threads broke front and center it was noticeable. My crooked stitches stood out more too. I don’t care right now because I’m having fun figuring it all out.

For the main piece construction I used black thread in my serger. If you do not have a serger you can use a zig zag stitch on a regular sewing machine. If you have a walking foot it will help a lot.

Sewing Construction

1.I serged the sleeve pieces together and set them aside.

2.Pin and stitch the front pieces to the side front pieces, same with the back.

3. Attached the front sleeves to the shirt front and the same with the back.

4. The cover stitch (blue) thread was more decorative and just added more support than anything. This part can be done with a twin needle if you do not have a cover stitch machine. I did this all at once to save time. It is also easier to do before you sew the sides up.

7. Time to sew down both of the sides and try on your shirt. It’s easy to make it smaller if needed at this point.

8. Finish the bottom hemline and sleeve hemlines now. I serged and then used my cover stitch. Again, your twin needle will do just fine here.

9. Last is the neckline. Measure binding and sew the ends together and then fold them in half.

I pinned the binding to the inside of the shirt and serged it so that when I flipped my binding to the outside of the shirt to cover stitch it down the seam allowance would be hidden on the inside.

Sewing is addictive! Now I want to make more in every color!

Behind the Scenes~

Basics class at Rosewood was great!

I started working on a secret project for an art show too.

Next week is the T-Skirt class and it’s a great intro to knits.

Thank you for reading!

Tracy McElfresh

Dream it! Sew it!









Tracy McElfresh