When a client mailed me his baseball cap from California it dawned on me that not everyone  knows how to sew patches on baseball caps. With his hat there was a thank you note saying no one there would sew it and that it would require a special type sewing machine. There is a special machine but you can do patches with a regular sewing machine.


  • sewing machine
  • thread
  • spray adhesive or double sided tape

optional supplies

  • open toe foot
  • iron that steams

1. After figuring out the placement of your patch use double sided tape or spray adhesive to hold it on. Using pins is not a good option. Why? You stab yourself trying to get around such a small space and they prove to be cumbersome.

2. Use a heavy denim sewing machine needle, the best matching thread you can find, open toe foot (so you can see really well) and a 2.0 stitch length. The color match will hide not so perfect stitches and a smaller stitch length will make it easy to go around curves.

3. Flatten out the area with the patch and place it under the bed of your machine. Start stitching and don’t worry about back stitching until the end. Caution ⚠️ when you get around a curve the bill of the hat will get hung up on the bed of the machine. Take it slow – stopping to pivot and turn as much as needed and keeping the bill of the hat out of your way.

4. If you have creased your hat during the process shoot a little iron steam on it. Careful ⚠️  if your hat is foam or polyester it may scorch.

Patch was made by local artist, Ramshackle Wild.

Behind the scenes~

Have you heard? We will no longer making hot sauce. It was a really hard decision to make. With Jeffrey’s rare, Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, (a debilitating neurological thing they don’t even know much about) we decided it best to take our time back. We went to a bottler first to try and solve the problem. Our sauce tasted like every other sauce and was going to cost us a fortune for just one flavor. At the sampler tasting to our surpise it tasted
like every sauce on the market. After asking for the ingredients list they used we were told it wasn’t profitable to use fresh ingredients. We couldn’t put our name on that product. It’s our third year and tax time. The return on profit just wasn’t there in comparison to our labor. Jeffrey’s hands and feet just don’t work the same and honestly my business in overly inundated. It made more sense for him to help me and turn our trademarked JuicyMelt name and page into a lifestyle, travel and cycling food page. For now we are not selling anything but fun. I hope you will follow us and we thank you for your kindness and support.

Thank you for reading,

Tracy McElfresh

Dream it, see it!

Tracy McElfresh