Saturday Sewing Machine Basics Class, Rosewood Art Center, Kettering

By |2023-12-28T11:59:56-05:00December 28th, 2023||

Ages: 16 – 999
Learn to use your sewing machine or borrow one of Rosewood’s in a fun setting. Students review threading, stitches, tension, bobbins, bobbin winding, parts of the machine, accessories and trouble shooting. Students have 2 easy practice projects to learn seam allowance, precision, stitch lengths and widths. Students should bring, small sewing kit, […]

The 30 Minute Dress

By |2019-09-16T06:12:21-04:00September 16th, 2019|1980s Fashion, Fashion Dress Replicas, Makes of 2016, refashion, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

This is one of the easiest dresses I have ever made on my serger! Don’t despair if you do not have a serger you can use your sewing machine with the zig zag stitch and it will work fine.  Here is how I did it…..

Tracy sews the 30 minute dress Kettering

The Birthday Dress

By |2018-07-30T17:48:59-04:00July 29th, 2018|1980s Fashion, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

When I was a little girl getting a birthday dress was better than getting a new baby doll.





















These days I do not have a lot of time to sew personal projects. I look for garments I can make in a couple hours. This dress was inspired by a […]

Vintage Sewing Machine Show/Virtual Party

By |2017-09-07T08:21:43-04:00September 7th, 2017||

Let’s start our own industrial EDU revolution!
Do you have a vintage sewing machine? Marlene MacVane and I had a great idea of having a vintage sewing machine art show. To make it even better we thought what if people from all over the world could come learn and see awesome sewing machines without leaving their […]

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