Through the Looking Glass of Time

By |2019-10-14T06:53:49-04:00October 14th, 2019|1800s Style Fashion, 1900s Style Fashion, 1970s Style Fashion|

Have you ever seen a movie set in a specific time period but you’ve still been able to date the production because the current styles bled through? Hair styles, color themes and popular silhouettes give hints to the true time period in these movies. This also happens with period clothing sewing patterns.

After making multiple 1860 […]

Garment Sewing on a Shoe String

By |2019-03-11T09:39:27-04:00March 11th, 2019|1970s Style Fashion, Uncategorized|

Some say you cannot sew for less money than you can buy something ready-made. I’m here to prove them wrong, sometimes. I agree brandname fabric purchased new can be very costly but there are still other ways around an expensive handmade dress.

Coming from a frugal family I learned early in my sewing career that I […]

Storm Clouds and the Raincoat, pt 1

By |2019-01-07T06:21:47-05:00January 6th, 2019|1970s Style Fashion, refashion, Sewing Tips and Tricks|

My raincoat story is about failure and success when learning a new skill. I want to show you that every project does not always work out as planned. Sadly, the banner project did not come out. Many people see all of the success in art while ignoring the failures that are quietly brushed under the […]

The Keys to Defining Success

By |2018-11-19T07:04:37-05:00November 19th, 2018|1970s Style Fashion, Early 20th Century Style Fashion, Fashion Dress Replicas, Heirloom Sewing, Tracy Designs Dresses, Uncategorized|

My Secrets to Turning My Hobby Job into a Success

The first year I went into business I got a good bit of negative feedback. People would say, “Good luck with that” or “Good luck with your business” and “People actually pay you to make clothing?” My favorite though, “If there’s ever a zombie apocalypse your […]

Handmade Halloween from the Closet Shop

By |2018-10-23T17:59:16-04:00October 22nd, 2018|1920s Style Fashion, 1970s Style Fashion, Costumes|

Some people may find it hard to make time to create their own Halloween costume. I recommend that you consider “shopping your closet” and simply making outerwear that can be worn as everyday wear.

Some clothing that you may already own can be used for costumes – like a flapper, Mary Poppins, a […]

Stranger Things I Have Made

By |2018-09-17T06:11:15-04:00September 17th, 2018|1900s Style Fashion, 1970s Style Fashion, Table Cloth Dresses, Tracy Designs Dresses|

You can get creative with sewing! I do. Drapery fabric can be garment fabric. Nightgown and lingerie patterns can be made into dresses. Exercise gear can be swimwear. You can make yoga pants so well that they look like casual dress slacks. When you are the maker you get to make all the rules. While not […]

My Swimwear Journey 2014-2018

By |2018-05-21T06:23:42-04:00May 21st, 2018|1930s Style Fashion, 1940s Style Fashion, 1950s Style Fashion, 1960s Style Fashion, 1970s Style Fashion, Sewing Tips and Tricks, Uncategorized|

When googling swimwear I find articles with titles like Coping with Body Image, Swimsuits for Women Over 40, Amazon’s 21 Best Sellers, Why Women Will Not Wear Swimsuits, How Not to Look Old in a Swimsuit (leave it to Oprah) and Best Day to Buy a Swimsuit (It’s June 8th according to that article). With […]

My Stripe Rage!

By |2018-05-07T07:17:23-04:00May 7th, 2018|1970s Style Fashion, Uncategorized|

Inspired by a photography class and some Pinterest black and white photos I am wanting more stripes in my fashion.

Today’s handmade garment was inspired by this photo.





















With French terry being my chosen fabric from a social media option poll I chose this jumper.

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