Where the Locals Buy Mardi Gras Fabric, Trip to New Orleans

By |2021-11-08T06:34:29-05:00November 8th, 2021|1980s Fashion, Costume Fashion Art Exhibits, Costumes, Uncategorized|

We visit New Orleans the most because my little grandma, cousin, and uncles live there. We love the culture, food, people, and the WARM weather.

NOLA has a bunch of amazing fabric stores, including the last couture fabric shop in the south, Promenade […]

Fashions of the Mola, A Trip to Cleveland Museum of Art

By |2021-04-19T06:50:51-04:00April 19th, 2021|Arts and Crafts, Costume Fashion Art Exhibits, Early 20th Century Style Fashion, Uncategorized|

When a friend shows you a fashion exhibit that can be visited in a single day trip, I highly recommend going. This exhibit, Fashioning Identity: Mola Textiles of Panamá, and The Cleveland Museum of Art were both amazing!

There seems to be […]

Fabric, Frida and Me in NYC

By |2019-03-04T06:34:08-05:00March 4th, 2019|1930s Style Fashion, Costume Fashion Art Exhibits, Uncategorized|

It’s time to be the girl I want to be. The girl that travels for art and inspiration and then writes about the adventure. The plan was to drive to New York City, see lots of art and keep the shopping minimal. This meant I would only buy fabric from people like me, small independent […]

No Wrong Moves with Iris Van Herpen

By |2019-01-10T20:06:37-05:00December 24th, 2018|Costume Fashion Art Exhibits, Interviews w/Sewists, Uncategorized|

Iris Van Herpen is a Dutch fashion designer that manages to balance technology, femininity and nature in her amazing works. I caught her show, “Transforming Fashion,” last December when it appeared at the Cincinnati Museum of Art. I was left breathless from her incredible, uncaged talent. The show included some earlier pieces that she made with […]

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