Measuring Up – A Dressmaker’s Year in Review

By |2024-12-19T06:35:05-05:00December 18th, 2024|Fashion Dress Replicas, Formal Wear, Heirloom Sewing, Uncategorized|

A conversation with a friend last week about what made a year good or bad got me looking deeper at how we define ourselves and what is important. It provoked a renewed check-in on my self-awareness, which got me thinking about what it is that I really do with my time. I mean, what am […]

All the Bells and Whistles with Pauline Trigere

By |2020-03-16T06:53:58-04:00March 16th, 2020|1950s Style Fashion, Formal Wear, Makes of 2015|

I was already dreaming of going on an adventure when this pattern popped into my hands. I fell in love with what looks to be a very young Liz Taylor on the cover. Famous 1950s designer, Pauline Trigere, makes a gorgeous dress and I knew I had found the perfect way to fill some spare […]

Dayton Garment Designers Fashion Faves

By |2019-11-25T07:43:38-05:00November 25th, 2019|Costumes, Fashion Shows, Formal Wear, Interviews w/Sewists, Uncategorized|

We all want to feel like we belong to a group that shares a common thread? Through a meet up group called, The Dayton Garment Designers Meet Up , I have found my tribe! Connecting with others that share your passion stimulates growth and inspires. While other people may get tired of […]

From Play to Passion

By |2019-04-01T06:01:09-04:00April 1st, 2019|Costumes, Fashion Shows, Today's Fashion, Uncategorized|

When I was young, I used to dress my Barbie Dolls in scraps of fabric, creating unique fashions for the various festivals and outings they would attend. When I was in high school, my Grandmother let me use her sewing machine in the basement where I would “Frankenstein” outfits together from thrift store finds, which […]

The Arts Meet Education w/ Lindsey Gustafson

By |2018-11-12T06:21:17-05:00November 11th, 2018|1960s Style Fashion, Interviews w/Sewists, Today's Fashion, Uncategorized|

I met middle school art teacher Lindsay Gustafson through Rosewood Art Centre and quickly grew fond of her.  The first things I noticed about Lindsay was her flare for quirky artsy looks, her smile and her positive personality. Besides looking like a ton of fun, teaching and making art, Lindsay is also passionate about […]

Great Journeys and Upping My Game

By |2018-06-25T06:17:14-04:00June 25th, 2018|1960s Style Fashion|

When I first started selling and making custom dresses in the early 2000s my entire business was DIY. With the surprise announcement that I was on Blogspots 2018 Best Dressmaker Blogs last winter I knew wanted to have a more professional look. This was simple – I just needed better pictures! Yeah Right!


The Past. […]

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